How does using noise relate to women\’s self defense? Most potential attacker do not want to be noticed by anyone. They have one desire and that is to take something that belongs to you. This item could be physical or emotional in nature.
The attacker wants to do what he plans to do without being noticed or drawing attention. The interloper will do anything to keep his crime a secret and will wait until you are out of eye sight or out of ear shot of the general public before he will perpetrate his crime. If you make noise to attract the attention of other people, most attackers will resist the urge to continue the assault once started. Women\’s self defense advocates argue that using your voice or other noise makers will thwart most attacks.
Your voice is your best defense in most situations. If you see a potential dangerous situation beginning to develop do not be afraid to scream. Even if you are mistaken, it is not against the law to scream your head off. The person will most likely change his mind if he knows you are not afraid to scream. Rape is about control and if this is the crime in which that person wants to commit, he knows he is not in control of the situation is you are screaming and yelling. The sooner your start screaming the sooner the assailant will run if he is inclined to. The advice of women\’s self defense experts also reports that you should run and scream at the same time. Not only are you distancing yourself from the attacker you are also giving the range of your voice to travel more distance. Hopefully you will be heard and someone will come to your defense.
Another way to make yourself heard in your arsenal of women\’s self defense tactics is to use an artificial noise maker. A whistle is a good choice because the noise can be heard from a long distance. You can wear the whistle around your neck and it can be easily gotten to in case of an attack. Blow it loud and long. The more panicked the whistle sounds the more attention it will get from a passerby. Run while you are blowing it. Try to get into your car or a building that is nearby. Do not be afraid to knock on a stranger\’s door or even enter it without permission if you are being chased. The charge of breaking and entering is worth it if it saves your life. The owners probably would not press charges due to the circumstances.
Another artificial noise maker is the compressed air noise maker. This is the obnoxious noise maker that you hear at foot ball games. It sounds like a loud truck horn. This could easily fit into your purse or hand bag. One blast from this usually sends everyone running, friend or foe. You can purchase this at any novelty shop. Usually your local Wal-Mart carries this devise. It is an excellent women\’s self defense tool. You need to beware that if it sits to long or you use it to often, the air will escape and it will be useless. It is always a good idea to have your whistle close by.
How to Animate
12 years ago