My gf and I have been going out for 12 months.
She left her ex to start seeing me and was obviously a bit rocky at the start given she started seeing me before she had ended it with her ex.
About 6 months into the relationship she left me because one night she went through my cellphone and saw messages from other big girl buddies of mine. I’ve never cheated on her and never would but she gets very jealous and isn’t very trusting. She’s suspected me of cheating on her, but i’ve never even come close to doing that…I’m not that sort of person.
We patched stuff up but since then she has often got really nasty at me and quite hurtful if she thinks I’ve done something not right or shes not getting stuff her way. She gets jealous when I see my family without her or spend time with other friends. Some days she gets very nasty and then wakes up the next day and pretends like it never happened. Even my family are a bit miffed by her behaviour sometimes.
We had a heart to heart talk one day because she said she wanted us both to be open and honest with each other. She told me she had slept with her boyfriend at the time when we started seeing each other while they were overseas, I previously didn’t know this. Then I told her that while we had broken up 6 months ago I went out for a drink with a big girl buddy I met at a party but nothing happened and it never went any further. She totally overeacted and started saying nasty and hurtful stuff to me as if I had cheated on her while we were together.
She even got jealous that I took my 6 year old neice out for a few hours some weekends back.
Last Friday I called her and she said she wasnt sure she wanted to continue seeing each other, but wanted to talk later about it. I asked her how long she had thought this and it turns out it had been at least a week, I got really mad at this point and was fed up myself with her behaviour. Since then she’s tried calling me and I’ve ignored the calls, she’s left a voicemail saying she wants to talk.
This has gone on too long and although I love her I’m not sure I could keep going through this with her…she seems very unstable and becomes very irrational and nasty sometimes for no reason. She is also on anti-depressants which I think affects her in ways I probably don’t understand.
Please help, I don’t know what to do with this?
For the time being I’m just ignoring her because I’m ill of being hurt all the time. I do love her and am hurting over all of this…
How to Animate
12 years ago
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